簡要描述:豪瑪成立于1922年, 具有80多年開發與生產石英、光學玻璃比色皿經驗。我們著重于研究與開發高精密度光學無件,以配合瞬息萬變的科技領域。
Hellma Analytics
QG High Precision Cell made of synthetic quartz glass Art no:100-600-10-41
Hellma Analytics High Precision Cell
Product Category詳細介紹
品牌 | 其他品牌 | 貨號 | 100-600-10-41 |
規格 | 盒 | 供貨周期 | 現貨 |
主要用途 | 科研單位 | 應用領域 | 醫療衛生,化工,生物產業,制藥,綜合 |
Hellma Analytics High Precision Cell
Hellma Analytics High Precision Cell
根據需求, 我們能進行比色皿透光度匹配(測量不確定率為±1%)與進行偏振匹配(旋轉角度的預定限度不會超過0.01o)。除了比色皿, 豪瑪在1995年開發了石英光纖探頭。只須把光纖探頭與各種產牌的紫外、可見或近紅外分光光度計連接上,然后把探頭放入樣品里, 研究、生產人員就能輕而易舉得實行在線撿測!
德國豪瑪在1995年榮獲TüV Südwest的DIN EN ISO 9001質保認證。我們擁有經驗豐富的技術與品質管理人員。為了確保*品質,我們只采用高級的石英、光學玻璃為原材料。此外,我們所售出的每一件比色皿光學元件和光纖探頭都必須通過嚴格的質量審查。
德國豪瑪(Hellma GmbH)是由Karl Mayer在1922年創辦的。那時,豪瑪的產品包括簡單的光學玻璃比色皿,主要用在旋光、比色和分光光度測試。隨著五十年代科學行業的興旺,比色測試變成定性分析和定量分析的慣用方法。為了應付比色皿需求迅速增長,豪瑪積極開發、擴展產品系列。 在1995年,豪瑪研發了光纖探頭,實現了紫外/可見、近紅外分光的在線檢測,專用于科研、制藥、化工、電廠等單位。
在1991年,原先的Jenoptik Carl Zeiss GmbH 光學部門,形成了豪瑪光學(Hellma Optics)。豪瑪在2010年收購了Schott Lithotec的氟化鈣生產, 改名為豪瑪材質(Hellma Materials) 。一向生產比色皿和光纖探頭的德國豪瑪(Hellma GmbH)改名為豪瑪分析(Hellma Analytics),成為德國豪瑪企業集團下的一個營業單位。
迄今,豪瑪共有十一家子公司,包括經銷網絡, 服務世界各地。
德國豪瑪(Hellma GmbH)是由Karl Mayer在1922年創辦的。那時,豪瑪的產品包括簡單的光學玻璃比色皿,主要用在旋光、比色和分光光度測試。隨著五十年代科學行業的興旺,比色測試變成定性分析和定量分析的慣用方法。為了應付比色皿需求迅速增長,豪瑪積極開發、擴展產品系列。 在1995年,豪瑪研發了光纖探頭,實現了紫外/可見、近紅外分光的在線檢測,專用于科研、制藥、化工、電廠等單位。在1991年,原先的Jenoptik Carl Zeiss GmbH 光學部門,形成了豪瑪光學(Hellma Optics)。豪瑪在2010年收購了Schott Lithotec的氟化鈣生產, 改名為豪瑪材質(Hellma Materials) 。一向生產比色皿和光纖探頭的德國豪瑪(Hellma GmbH)改名為豪瑪分析(Hellma Analytics),成為德國豪瑪企業集團下的一個營業單位。迄今,豪瑪共有十一家子公司,包括經銷網絡, 服務世界各地。為了服務中國區廣大用戶,豪瑪中國有限公司在2004年成立于新加坡,提供售前、售后技術服務。
Hellma is the world’s leading manufacturer of cells and optical components for modern analysis. For 85 years, our commitment has been to provide the best possible quality in order to guarantee the most precise analytical results. Welcome to the fine art of precision!
The company was founded at a time that was unfavourable for any new enterprises - in the year 1922 shortly before the worldwide economic crisis. But perhaps it was just such difficult times that decisively shaped the pioneering spirit, determination and solidarity within the company as well as with our customers that have become hallmarks of the company. At any rate the “Glass Works" in Müllheim (Southern Germany) founded by Karl Mayer marks the beginning of the story of Hellma’s worldwide success.
Always Up-To-Date
In the beginning Hellma’s product line consisted of simple optical glass pieces and hollow glass containers, so-called cells, which were used in polarimeters, colorimeters and spectroscopes. In the fifties the significance of photometry as a verification method in analytical measuring technology grew rapidly. As a result the demand for technically more sophisticated and more diversified types of cells - including the cells for extremely small sample amounts used in modern photometric analysis instruments - grew as well.
A New Chapter in Measuring Technology: Fibre-Optic Systems
Besides manufacturing cells a new line of products was added to Hellma’s spectrum of goods and services at the beginning of the nineties. New materials and processing techniques led to the development of fibreoptic systems. Here are some significant advantages of these systems: Measurements can be made during processing thereby making time-consuming sample withdrawals and examinations superfluous. Even poisonous or radioactive substances can be measured with optical probes without risk. Hellma recognized the potential of such systems early on and made them into a strategic new department with its own research, development and manufacture departments.
Maintaining Tradition in Jena
It was an obvious and logical step when, in 1991, Hellma Optik GmbH Jena was formed out of Jenoptik Carl Zeiss Jena GmbH. This is a company that not only represents the tradition of Hellma but also continues and encourages the tradition of Jena, a city with a long history of glass workmanship. By founding this company anew Hellma has managed to enlarge its product line by including flat and cylindrical optics as well as expanding its presence into eastern Germany.
Hellma – Precision in Spectro-Optics. Worldwide
With over 80 years of experience and know-how Hellma has become the leading supplier of precision cells made of glass and quartz worldwide. With a wide selection of more than 1700 products you will be able to find cells and fibre-optical systems for every application and for any measurement and analysis instrument found on the market today.